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Static and dinamic stretching

Published : 09/04/2017 11:48:35
Categories : All , Training

Static and dinamic stretching

We know that before and after running or practicing any physic activity we should do stretching, as our musculature is in a “cold” state when we start, and this can cause injuries. We should stretch so in that way we stretch soft tissues structures in our body (muscles, but also tendons, ligaments, nerves or skin), in that way we will relax tense muscles, the ones which had an injury or an immobilization period will be recovered and the flexibility and position will be improved.

There are two types of stretching: static, in which the movement is held during a long period, and dynamic, in which there are several movement grades. We will see what the difference between them is:

Static stretching: These movements are slow and they are done at rest, we stretch to a position and we remain in it from 15 to 30 seconds. The energy consumption is low as only the individual muscles take part and not together. Besides, we get a muscle relaxation, the blood circulation increases and the feeling of pain is reduced. This stretching can be:

- Active: the person who does sport stretches their muscle.

- Passive: an external strength is applied to the member we stretch.

What examples do we have?

- For example if we want to stretch the hamstring muscles (femoral biceps, semimembranous and semisinewy), we can lay down in the floor with the gluteus and legs leaned in the wall and hold this position.

- Or also if we want to stretch the triceps sural or calf, we stand up and hold one foot over the tip of the other one, and let the heel descend below the support line and hold that position between 20 and 30 seconds. We can flex the same knee, especially over the sole and sinewy tissue and keep it extended where we will have an impact on the gastrocnemius and peroneus.

This stretching must be done as an individual training or a recovering session, so to improve the range of movement. They help also in improving flexibility as they act in the muscular and sinewy system, improve the blood flow, inhibit the muscular activation and relax us.

The dinamic stretching is composed of soft movements with the aim of stretching muscular fibres, gradually and progressively and slowly getting our muscles ready for physical activity. How can we do that?

-For example we can lay on the floor with an extended leg and the other one in a right angle holding it and the position between 3 and 5 minutes to them move it back to the initial position.

-Or we can also stretch our ilipsoas muscle (a muscle which is in the abdominal cavity and in the front of the thigh and that this is one of the most powerful muscles in the body) we get the knight position, the hip is extended, we raise our arm and slightly do an hyperextension of the spine or the advanced leg can be extended and at the same time we try to reach it with the raised hand holding the position between 3 and 5 minutes during 5 or 6 repetitions.

These two types of stretching are actively done but also in a soft and progressively way, taking care of the quality and range of movement. They activate the musculature, improving the mobility, movement amplitude, improving the blood circulation, muscles oxygenation… and in that way improve the sport performance and prevent injuries.

But, which of them do we choose? It is more recommendable to do a stretching round of dynamic stretching followed by a pair of rounds of static stretching of short length. In that way we will be prepared to perform at maximum in our training!!

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